Hey guys!!
A few people are't able to read my blog because it's in german so at least Petra convinced my to write it in english. I'm sorry about all my mistakes but I'm sure you'll get what I want to tell you.
I'm in Mt Gambier now and it's a very nice town. There is a lot of volcano activity in this region and Mt Gambier has a big crater filled with water. It's called the "Blue Lake" because it's really blue (picture)!! And it changes it's colour every year because of particles of calcium carbonate in the water. It's all limestone arround this area and in winter, the water ist a bit colder and calcium carbonate goes in suspension. That's why lhe lake appears grey during the winter. In spring, the water is getting warmer, calcium carbonate goes in solution and the lake is getting blue! Really interesting!!
Aside from the lake and the beautiful area around the lake there are a lot of funny animals to see here. There are a lot of caves arround here and in one 'sinkhole' (a cave, were the roof has broken down) possums come out at night and you can feed them, they are not shy!
Furthermore threre ist a very nice wildlife park here (entry free!!) were I saw a lot of kangoroos (picture), wallebys, emus (I took that funny picture while it was running about 2 metres in front of me!!) and a lot of birds!! Very cool!!
At Mama and Papa: as you perhaps have read in the comments of the last post, I saw a lot of echidnas and I have pictures of them, but they are allready on my iPod and I can't compress them at this PC. When I'm able to I'll show one on the blog!
Ok than, many greetings from down under!