Karijini & Broome

Hi everybody!
Finally I managed to get out of Exmouth and now I'm on my way (together with Martin and his 'tank') up to Darwin, the last destination of my trip through Australia.
First we went to the Karijini NP and it was one of the most beautiful ones I've seen so far. We climbed through all the gorges and the views were amazing!! The rock formations were just stunning and we had great days in there. Bur after leaving the NP we had to clean the whole car, everything was red and dusty!!!
Port Hedland was very disappointing so we left immediately to Broome. It's a nice town and we did a little bit of shopping (after we lacked any shops in Exmouth for almost 4 month you really get excited when you do your first step into Woolies again =)...), watched saltwater crocodiles during feeding and went for a kajak trip along the coastline.
We are going further norht today, relaxing on a restarea and recuperating from so much civilisation in Broome.
Die Bilder sind gaaaaanz toll! Sie erinnern uns etwas an Orniston Gorge im Zentrum. Karijini NP ist sicherlich gigantischer!
Wir werden bestimmt dort auch noch hin kommen.
Weiter viel Spaß und toi toi Mama und Papa
Anonym, at 11:04 PM
wow, schaut gut aus. Ich hatte wieder blau grüne unterwasser Bilder erwartet. Dann plötzlich soo viel rot. ;-)
Jana, at 12:23 AM
Hi schwesterherz sind echt coole bilder freue mich schon auf deine rückkehr dann müssen wir mal ne nacht lang quatschen glaube ich :-) dein Bruderherz
Anonym, at 11:33 PM
Thank you!
[url=http://ptkfczhk.com/ziof/zvrq.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://kedmkbze.com/hoxd/ekud.html]Cool site[/url]
Anonym, at 7:31 AM
Thank you!
http://ptkfczhk.com/ziof/zvrq.html | http://hkwvuryw.com/lpoh/onbb.html
Anonym, at 7:32 AM
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