Farming down under

Hi, back again!
A lot of things happend since my last Blog-update. Micha, Katja and I went down to Jindabyne near the Snowy Mountains, but then then went further on to the south and I wanted to go on the highest mountain of Australia. It's the Mt Kosciuszko with ~2230m (big big mountain...) and it's quite crowded on the top, was not the best walk I did here but it was a funny feeling to be on the highest point of this continent (2 pictures)! The other picture with the dead trees gives an impression how it looks like after a big fire, which happens quite often during summertime.
But then I decided ( because it's called Work&Travel and not only Travel, thanks Alex for reminding me=)) to do something useful and now I'm working on a Farm near Canberra since one week and I will be there for about two more weeks, before I 'll fly to NZ in the beginning of February.
They have more than 2500 trees with apples and pears, some vegetables, chickens, sheep, one cow (it's more a pet and it doesn't do anything except feeding) and one horse. So I'm doing a lot of different things on the farm and it's interesting, especially moving the henshouses and therefore catching all the chickens and bringing them to their new home was very funny!! But mostly they sell the apples and the pears, all the other things (eggs, vegetables, ..) are for themselves or custumers coming to the farm to buy some things. One picture shows me with one of the pte-shppe and the other picture shows the clouds after a big thunderstorm on the farm. It was a great view!!
Perhaps I'll post some more pictures of the farm soon.
See you!
finally there is some work in the work&travel!!! but it looks very nice. especially the highest mountain.
greetings from switzerland
Anonym, at 1:56 PM
Ich sehe du bist schon ne Woche da! Dann können dich die Spinnen ja nicht vertrieben haben. ;-)
grüße aus heute moderaten -6°C
Anonym, at 12:22 PM
Hey Babe!
Greatings from London! Beautiful pictures - but nothing new :-). Have a nice time, don't eat too much fruits and don't scare the chicken :-).
Hugs and kisses!
PS: I'm envious, because your skin looks soooo brown. Me, I'm white, sometimes red and feeling so cold here, brrrhhh...
Anonym, at 11:41 AM
Hi Schwesterherz, sind ja echt coole bilder. Naja bist ja nundoch mal ans arbeiten gekommen, kann ja uch nicht sein das du da die ganze Zeit nur rumtourst und nichts tust. Ich bin immoment dabei mein rauchen zu reduzieren von einer Schachtel am tag auf ne halbe, funktioniert auch ganz gut. melde mich wieder dein Bruderherz
Anonym, at 5:59 PM
Woooooho! Ich war scheinbar sehr sehr lange nicht auf deiner Seite! Krass. Die Fotos...wie geil die sind – und wie braun du bist, du Pfeife!
Naja, ein kleines Trostpflaster habe ich auch, um diesem grauen Einerlei mal zu entwischen: ich fliege am 15. 2. für eine Woche nach Spanien, zu meiner Familie. Ich freu mich schon.
Ich glaube, ich schreibe dir mal ne richtige Email, glaube, da gibt es mehr zu erzählen! ;-)
Lieben Gruß von Karo und Tommy!
Anonym, at 3:28 PM
Hallo Tini
Vielleicht schaust Du ja zufällig noch einmal hier `rein - Deine Neuseeland-Seite ist nicht ganz in Ordnung! Bilder sind zwar drin, auch etwas Text, aber unvollständig, sämtlich Links fehlen, auch die Möglichkeit, Kommentare zu schreiben!
Vielleicht schaust Du mal, was los ist!
Gruß Papa
Anonym, at 10:26 AM
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