Happy new Year!!!

Happy new year to everbody!! I hope you've got a great Party and a graet start to 2006!!
After I've left the Grampians NP I went to Batenams Bay to spend Christmas together with Petra, Doug, his father Harold and his twinbrother Eric and Betty. On the picture you can see Petra, Doug, Harold, me and our lovely Christmast-Tree on the Beach =)!
But there is no comparison to christmas in Germany!!! It's completely different.
Afterthat, I met Micha and Katja in the Blue Mountains and to New Year we saw teh amazing firewokrs of Sydney Harbour!! We've got a nice spot in one of the suburbs of Sydney, were we've got a nice view on the Harbour Bridge and the Skyline of Sydney. One of the pictures shows the view we've got at our nice little Beach. And there was a guy on a boat coming around (other picture) selling coffee, ice cream and softdrinks. Very clever, I think he made good money this day.The other two pictures are taken in the Blue Mountains. But it's sticky hot at the moment (35 Grad), so I'm glad to leave this place and go a bit more southern, perhaps to the Snowy Mountains
I wish all of you a great year 2006!
Hi schwesterherz kann mich endlich melden da mein i-net wieder funktioniert. hoffe du hattest ein schönes weihnachtsfest bei petra, douglas und seiner Familie. ebenso wünschen wir ( carina und Ich ) euch allen ein frohes neues jahr und das eure guten Vorsätze in Erfüllung gehen. p.s. coole Fotos besonders das von dem Keng :-). wünschen dir weiterhin eine schön Zeit und freue mich schon auf deine Rückkehr Karsten
Anonym, at 1:36 PM
Hey, hey!
Liebe Tini, dir auch ein frohes neues Jahr!!!! Mein Silvester war gut - great party, small hangover :-)...
Lass' du es dir weiterhin gut gehen und grüß mir die Sonne! Und falls ich während der Zeit in London ebenfalls einen Blog anlege, sage ich es dir....
Gruß und Kuss aus Bonn!
Deine Schmo
Anonym, at 3:01 PM
Hi Martina,
If you thought 35 degrees was hot, how did you react to yesterday's 45?
P & D
Anonym, at 5:53 AM
actually someone told us afterwards that we've had more than 40 degrees....that was too much !!! We were lucky to have the beach nearby....
Anonym, at 10:39 AM
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