Challenge Apple Day

Hi again from Loriendale, the apple-orchard near Canberra. After my 3 weeks on the farm in January I came back 2 weeks ago to help for the Apple Day which took place last Saturday.
We worked quite a lot and I'm an expert now in picking apples and peeling and cutting an apple in 10 seconds... ! On Apple Day, Owen sold a lot of different varieties of apples, pears, jams and the famous apple pies (on the picture it's Lauren, one daughter with a fresh cooked apple pie). There was a bbq and coffee, muffins and scones as well and we made apple juice with an old press in the garage.
The two weeks were a little bit hard, we were busy 16h a day, but I earned a lot of money =)!
(Pictures: Nina, Wolfgang and me, three wwoofers and all german; Owen, Noreen, their other daughter Felicity and me)
After Apple Day, we all went to the Canberra Stadium and watched the Rugby Game between The Brumbies (team from Canberra) against a team from South Africa. It was really fun, but I'm not sure if I got all the rules... .
Today is the last day in this part of Australia, I'll fly to Perth this evening. So perhaps I can already post some underwater pictures the next time!!
So you earned heaps of money... That's good. Maybe you'll manage to visit me again then?
Jana, at 2:16 AM
i'm working on it...=)
Anonym, at 1:47 AM
Hi Tini,
liebe Grüße aus Deutschland, in dem es irgendwie nicht so recht Frühling werden will. Aber irgendwann fing der Frühling auch in den letzten 25 Jahren seit ich denken kann an, also geb ich die Hoffnung nicht auf. Die Mag. ist abgegeben. Ich orientiere mich langsam in Richtung Prüfungsvorbereitung (soll heißen, ich drücke mich noch davor anzufangen) und beneide Dich natürlich jedes Mal, wenn ich Deine Seite ansehe.
Liebe Grüße,
Anonym, at 10:57 AM
I'm waiting for some diving pics....
Jana, at 10:14 AM
Jaja, I'm working on it! I have a day off tomorrow so I'll have the time to update the blog a little bit.
I'm actually quite busy here at the moment, but tommorow... I promise...!
Martina, at 12:27 PM
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