NZ part 2

Hi everybody!
My time in NZ is nearly over and it was a really great time! One month is definitely not enough and I'm sure I'll come back!! I've only seen the South-Island and not even the fiordland...
After my last blog-update I went on by bus for about another week. From Wanaka I was heading to the westcoast and had my first experience on an glacier. There are two glaciers which are going down to ~300m (!) above sealevel and both are growing very quickly (about half a meter a day). I went on the Franz Joseph galcier which is supposed to be the more beautiful (and therefore the more expensive one if you take a guided tour...) and it was really great! Amazing formations like holes, little caves and canyons out of white and blue ice.
Afterwards I went back to Christchurch to meet Jana and we drove to the north of the island to Paynes Ford near Golden Bay to go rock climbing. We camped on the 'Hangdog Climbers Campground' and it was a very familiar and nice atmosphere, a lot of friendly and funny people. The climbingrocks are just nearby the campground as well as the great swimmingholes from the river (third picture).
After this great weekend Jana had to go back to work and I started to discover New Zealand's mountains. Together with Jon, a canadien guy who I met on the Hangdog campground, I went for 6 days through the mountains of the Nelson Lakes National Park. It was amazing!! We've had so many breathtaking and stunning views, that I took over a 100 pictures during the tramp... it was really hard to decide which I should post.
We slept in huts and met a lot of interesting people. It was kind of a shock to come back to the civilisation, it's so quiet and peaceful to be in the mountains. (Pictures are in the next post.)
After this very, very nice tramp I went to Picton for 3 days and walked along the 'Queen-Charlotte-Sound'. It seems as if it's a big lake, but it's the ocean coming in the land and building a 'sound'. (Last picture in this post.)
Now I'm in Christchurch again at Jana's and Julian's place and I'll fly back to Australia on Sunday.
Cheers! Martina
Hi Tini,
schöne pics von Nelson Lakes! Bei mir war das Wetter definitiv schlechter... Die Fotos sind dementsprechend nicht so schön ;)
Freu mich schon darauf, dass du wieder kommst.
cheers Jana
Anonym, at 2:48 AM
ja, freu mich auch schon drauf!!
Anonym, at 1:18 AM
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