Final Destination

I finally made it to Darwin, my last place in Australia.
And this will probably be my last post on this blog from here, I'm flying back to good old Germany on the 23th of August.
Since last time Martin and I went up all the way along the Kimberlies (where we sadly couldn't have a closer look due to 4WD roads only...)to the Northern Territory.
Katherine Gorge was our first stop and a really beautiful one!!! We again hired a kajak and went along the Kathrine River for one day! The scenery was really nice and we had a breath-taking view of the gorge!!
After that we went on through the Kakadu NP, which was a bit disappointing (long distances for more or less nothing and a lot of roads only for 4WD) and after that we got stucked in the Litchfield NP.
Heaps of beautiful waterfalls and you can swim everywhere, which isn't possible everywhere up here. There are quite a few places where you can easily end up as a snack for crocodiles...
The little pixel on the second picture is me standing underneath the waterfall in the Katherine Gorge and the 6th pic is showing Martin sitting in the 'spa' at the Wangi Falls in Litchfield NP!! =)
The 4th one is showing one of these huge termit mounts, which are spread all over NT and northern WA! It's amaying what these little animals are able to build in (in this case) 50 years!!
The other thing which is unique for the region around the Kimberlies are 'boabs'. There is only one type here in Australie, one in Africa and six types in Madagasca. I thing in Germany we use the african name for it, Baobab. They are getting very old and big and somehow they remind me of the "Treebeard" and his friends in Lord Of The Rings...
I'm in Darwin now, doing things like tax-back stuff, spending money, ... and preparing for being in Germany soon.
I'm looking forward to see many of you again in a couple of weeks!!
Cheers, Martina
i was wondering about the day of your return. there it is.... hope you're alright! tell me...
love! schmo xoxoxoxox
Anonym, at 3:58 PM
Hey du, beschwer dich nochmal, dass es bei mir kein Update gibt. Hier tut sich ja auch nichts mehr.... ;)
Martin, at 3:04 AM
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